Sunday, March 13, 2011

The State of The State of Food

I've recently made a life-altering food lifestyle choice (again) and once again became a vegetarian. This time around the choice was initially instigated by a desire to eat healthier and live healthier. Then I watched some more videos on PETA's site.

So where does this leave this blog of food options in the State College, PA area? Well, quite frankly, it leaves it right where it was. The dishes now, of course, will be more geared towards vegetarian eaters. Would I call it a vegetarian blog? No. When I address specific restaurants, I'll include either past recollections of meat dishes or if I'm with someone who eats meat, their perspective on the dishes containing it. I hold no ill will towards continuing meat eaters. Who am I to judge?

So this is how it will be. I hope to continue providing insights into the dining options of the State College area. I know this has been lacking in posts for a few months and I promise to TRY to revamp that. After all, how successful can I be in relaying delicious and significant dining options if, well, I'm not?

So what's to come? Continuations of previous reviews and new restaurants to come!

I will entertain suggestions but, as always, I will reserve veto power.

Until the next post (which will hopefully be soon),